UNILIGHT the future of education?

Cesar Van der Spurt
5 min readNov 13, 2020

As the founder of UNILIGHT I know the concept inside out. I have had a lot of time to think about it these past months and came to the conclusion this could become the future of education. A kind in which people would be free to explore knowledge the way they want.


There are a few things you need to build a proper education system.

  1. Knowledge adapted to the audience.
  2. Interactive content (exercises, notes and …)
  3. A social aspect (teachers and mentors).
  4. Some kind of proof of understanding system (test, exams, and …)
  5. Real life interaction (friends, buildings, books and …)

Tell me if I’m wrong, but if you have these 5, you pretty much have an education system.

UNILIGHT will work in stages to eventually develop all five of these.

Building the knowledge base

The system is currently build to automate the knowledge base. Content (topics) will always be up to date and verified as the system is made to correct itself. The strength of the concept is not only the content but the tree structure as well. This will give you an instant overview of what there is to be learned within a certain subject. People will no longer have to waste time researching before they learn, which makes the process way easier.

future of education, tree structure
Three structure made up from topics

Furthermore, working with topics in a tree structure is very flexible. If something is not of interest anymore, you can always start reading other topics. Something a curriculum can’t give you. This also makes it possible for people to find their talents and interests easier and deepen their knowledge within this certain subject.

Interactive content

By adding options around the content base, this would be possible. Options could range from custom editing of the topics to having content in audio and video as well. These possibilities can constantly be explored to make the topics more useful and make it easier for people to learn. As UNLIGHT is still a pretty small company, we will need more resources to make this possible. This is why we keep this in mind as stage 2. First comes the content, once this is done we focus on making it interactive.

The social aspect

As UNILIGHT is an online platform, it doesn’t really suit itself for this one, at least not in its early stages. People still prefer to have personal contact with each other. We could solve this problem by adding subject rooms. This would mean that depending which topic you are reading, we could add some kind of group chat. People could answer each other’s questions and discuss the knowledge at hand.

Furthermore, verifiers could become teachers on the platform. Ideas can always be improved, but I see a good possibility of how we could add this social aspect to UNILIGHT for stage 3.

Proof of understanding

The way proof of understanding works in the current system is limited and does not give a good overview of someone’s comprehension. This is why there needs to be a new kind of approach to deal with this. As curriculum’s are no longer used within this system, a part of this problem falls off.

We could develop tests for each topic and bundle these in exams. In my eyes, this is an old-school way of doing things so other ideas need to be explored.

To build the future of education we need something better.

A user profile in which you can see all topics read, time spent per topic, and … could be a good way to build metrics around a person’s knowledge base on the platform. This could be useful for an employer to know and could hire specifically based on user profiles. As this is pretty complex to develop, this would be stage 4.

Real life interaction

If we get to this point the company should be pretty big already. This is when we would like to build open schools. The way they would work is as follows.

Everyone could join a UNILIGHT school for an affordable price. You would be assigned to which would be there till the end of your education career. His job would be to support you in all kinds of aspects. Finding your talents, motivation, help you out with certain struggles, etc. The knowledge acquisition and other needs would be based on the UNILIGHT online platform itself. You would be advised to join student groups with the same interests which would take away the social aspect problem entirely. These are the basic ideas for the UNILIGHT SCHOOL which would be stage 5.


Yes, it is. People would be free to find their talents and strengths. Everything would be personalized, the knowledge, the options you want to use and the way you want to learn. You could meet like minded people way easier. It would be cheaper than a lot of current systems. You would have a knowledge profile employers could see, this makes it easier to be hired for a job you like. People would discover who they really are throughout the years. It would be way more fun than the current fixed system. You would come out knowing more. There would be good guidance if you didn’t really know what to learn and where to go in life. And you could go study wherever you would like, the UNILIGH SCHOOLS would be world wide (if we get to this).

The advantages are endless compared to the current education system. People would come out empowered and ready to fulfill their dreams.

In my opinion, this would be GREAT!

Let me know if you think UNILIGHT could be the future of education! If not, we are always open to new ideas.

I think UNILIGHT could have all the possibilities this article request on good schooling/education.

If you would like to know more about UNILIGHT, and maybe see how you could help us out, visit our website.

Originally published at https://foundersblog.unilight.co on November 13, 2020.



Cesar Van der Spurt

I’m a young entrepreneur and generalist with the passion to make the world a better place for all of us. I am posting my insights about knowledge and education.